Ever time Old Yellen has either gone to the FRB or the HFS (look them up here if you don't know your shit - http://www.federalreserve.gov/, http://financialservices.house.gov/) she continues to spew pointless and vague useless facts that either the USA economy has been improving and or some other shit like unemployment is down so the Fed may and yes the magic word is may raise rates sometime in the future. The immediate chain reaction is the market flips the hell out and equities fall, like the did today (http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/04/us-usa-fed-yellen-idUSKCN0ST22V20151104#MgSrGfq6VAg6Uy5T.97).
Bonehead's don't listen to the noise of this useless leader. Old Yellen and her band of Committee Members continue to pontificate on this market and each and every time they meet and continue to spout off crap that never ever comes to fruition. As a Bonehead we can't continue to be held hostage by words and more importantly lies to the American public. We continue to hear that employment is improving, bullshit (http://fortune.com/2015/02/04/unemployment-rate-gallup/). Manufacturing inventories are improving, more bullshit (http://www.census.gov/manufacturing/m3/index.html). How can any person without a PHD understand how to invest in this market? You can't! That is why Bonehead's stick to what they know. Companies that make real products that people use and services that people want,

Things that I am digging now - https://www.etsy.com/listing/233209304/personalized-american-oak-aging-barrel?ref=listing-shop-header-1