Well it has been way to long since my last blog. God, it has been years. Quick update since I last posted.
Personal Portfolio is up! 3 year return has been 22.98% and 5 year return has been 17%. Yes those are the true numbers and I will expand on why I am getting these returns. As many of my old followers know, hiring a stock advisor, broker, planner or whatever they hell they call themselves this year is a recipe for failure. As I have discussed before, brokers and agents have one goal and one goal, to take your money. Why in the hell would you allow anyone to manage or invest your hard earned money? Most people will tell you they do this because they do not know what they are doing in the marker and or have never had any education on financial planning. And believe me that is totally acceptable since we are a society who prides itself on keeping our people uneducated on financial planning. But we are the world's best in spending more than we make and taking on debt like no other nation. Sad.... US Debt Level.
But do not be afraid! That is why I built this blog site. To give everyone a chance to learn about investing and for free. Knowledge is power and the first step to gaining control over your financial prowess, fire your damn financial advisor now! Why Financial Advisors Suck!. So now you have fired your advisor, now what? Well let's talk.
First, what do you like? What is your passion? Shopping? Cooking? Hobbies? These are the first things you need to discover about yourself before you go tossing out your damn hard earned money to stocks you have no clue about or what these companies do. I mean really, how the hell can you invest in Boeing or or some obscure biotech company if you have no idea what these companies really do or products they produce. This is exactly what shit financial advisors will do to you. They will ask you the vague questions like "what is your risk tolerance?"or "can you handle a 20% loss in your portfolio and not panic?". Jesus Christ, who comes up with these questions? Hell yes you should panic on a 20% loss, especially when you have a "pro" managing your money. Take control yourself! Look around, study what you like and then look at stocks that would fall into those categories for you! Let me give you my examples.
For years I have loved Apple products. Love the phones, love the iPads and love the Mac's. Hell I live on them. So yes that is a stock I could like and invest in. I understand what the make and where they want to go. That is why I invested so heavily in them years ago and have made unreal profits over the past few years. And I will continue to invest in Apple until I see something that does not make sense to me and dump the hell out of the stock. You buy and hold stocks you know and understand. You sell your stocks the minute you don't understand the business model. Another example for me is Microsoft. Hell I have been using there products for years. Word, Excel, PowerPoint and everything else. I also work in the the technology industry and understand the mythical "Cloud" and yes Microsoft is a leader in Cloud technology. So again, I have invested heavily in this stock over the years and made huge profits! You just need to look at what you like and understand. But wait, what if I can't identify what I like? No worries!
If you are not able to understand the stock market, yet, and I will fix that for you, then park your hard earned cash into high yield accounts. Personally I love and use Wealthfront. Excellent yield and the very best savings rates around WealthFront. There is nothing wrong with earning 2% or better while you get an understanding of the market and what you want to invest in!
I am going to close todays blog with an update on my current long positions for you all. My top investments now are Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, DHX Media and Village Farms International. Why these? So here goes. Amazon does and continues to own the world for shop at home and get what you want in a day. Amazon continues to expand in all kind of markets like global internet, space exploration, drug delivery and countless other adventures. I see no reason why this stock will not continue to be one of the best stocks to own! AMZN. Microsoft, as discussed above they are an industry leader in Cloud technology, Operating Systems and unreal gaming. Again, a must own stock for me. MSFT. Apple, do I need to even go on? iPhone, iPad, Mac Pro, Watch, Services and Healthcare. Top 3 for me. AAPL. DHX Media. Now this is an interesting one for me. Did you know they own most of all the children's favorite shows? Peanuts, Teletubbies, Strawberry Shortcake, Caillou and many others. Do you have kids? What do kids love to do? Watch these shows! Plus check out their distribution rights. Solid long term hold for sure!DHXM. And last, Village Farms International. So why them? Well for one, I love and mean love pot! I am a huge believer in the medical benefits from pot and the future of using the product promises so much help for our US Military Veterans for PTSD, help for patients with cancer and just do your research on what pot is doing for epilepsy and other terrible diseases! I am in this stock for the long term on their growth plans and the future of helping many sick people. VFF.
So that is it for today. Glad to be back and hopefully helping you with the complex financial markets! Good luck and remember, Fire your broker or advisor and take control of your life and money! And just a little goodbye from my financial team Peaches and Goos!
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
To Raise or Not To Raise? That My Bonehead's is the question....
Well once again our fearless Federal Reserve Leader Janet Yellen or as I like to call her Old Yellen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Yellen) has once again done absolutely nothing today but put the fear of loss in the market again. This shit is getting old and for Bonehead Investors like you continues to screw you and your potential earnings in this market. Why you ask?
Ever time Old Yellen has either gone to the FRB or the HFS (look them up here if you don't know your shit - http://www.federalreserve.gov/, http://financialservices.house.gov/) she continues to spew pointless and vague useless facts that either the USA economy has been improving and or some other shit like unemployment is down so the Fed may and yes the magic word is may raise rates sometime in the future. The immediate chain reaction is the market flips the hell out and equities fall, like the did today (http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/04/us-usa-fed-yellen-idUSKCN0ST22V20151104#MgSrGfq6VAg6Uy5T.97).
Bonehead's don't listen to the noise of this useless leader. Old Yellen and her band of Committee Members continue to pontificate on this market and each and every time they meet and continue to spout off crap that never ever comes to fruition. As a Bonehead we can't continue to be held hostage by words and more importantly lies to the American public. We continue to hear that employment is improving, bullshit (http://fortune.com/2015/02/04/unemployment-rate-gallup/). Manufacturing inventories are improving, more bullshit (http://www.census.gov/manufacturing/m3/index.html). How can any person without a PHD understand how to invest in this market? You can't! That is why Bonehead's stick to what they know. Companies that make real products that people use and services that people want,
This is a scary ass time for the US Stock Market and I am constantly worried will crash like hell..But don't fear Bonehead's. We can't listen to the noise of the talking heads, the liars, cheats and the most evil of all brokers and financial advisers! Bonehead's stick to what you know. If you don't know what is valuable to you in a company then do not invest in this market. Stick to cash or something easy like a CD that pays a very low interest rate. I always tell investors I would rather make 1% on my money than lose 25% in this crazy ass stock market. If you believe in a company, know that it has great value and produces products and services that people want - then be fearless in your investing!
Things that I am digging now - https://www.etsy.com/listing/233209304/personalized-american-oak-aging-barrel?ref=listing-shop-header-1
Ever time Old Yellen has either gone to the FRB or the HFS (look them up here if you don't know your shit - http://www.federalreserve.gov/, http://financialservices.house.gov/) she continues to spew pointless and vague useless facts that either the USA economy has been improving and or some other shit like unemployment is down so the Fed may and yes the magic word is may raise rates sometime in the future. The immediate chain reaction is the market flips the hell out and equities fall, like the did today (http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/04/us-usa-fed-yellen-idUSKCN0ST22V20151104#MgSrGfq6VAg6Uy5T.97).
Bonehead's don't listen to the noise of this useless leader. Old Yellen and her band of Committee Members continue to pontificate on this market and each and every time they meet and continue to spout off crap that never ever comes to fruition. As a Bonehead we can't continue to be held hostage by words and more importantly lies to the American public. We continue to hear that employment is improving, bullshit (http://fortune.com/2015/02/04/unemployment-rate-gallup/). Manufacturing inventories are improving, more bullshit (http://www.census.gov/manufacturing/m3/index.html). How can any person without a PHD understand how to invest in this market? You can't! That is why Bonehead's stick to what they know. Companies that make real products that people use and services that people want,

Things that I am digging now - https://www.etsy.com/listing/233209304/personalized-american-oak-aging-barrel?ref=listing-shop-header-1
bank of america,
Credit Crisis,
federal reserve,
Goldman Sachs,
invest on your own,
Merrill Lynch,
QE2 blog,
raise rates,
Florida, USA
Monday, November 2, 2015
Tell Your Financial Adviser "F' Off for 2016"
Man - it never stops amazing me how people just like you will give away money for free and trust some asshole who couldn't care a less about making you a profit with your hard earned money.
Once again the wonderful world of USA Hedge Fund Managers have once again come out with a loss for 2015 and the only thing their clients get is an "I'm Sorry". Think about it for one second. If you are lucky enough to be a credited investor and can get into a hedge fund you would think you would at least trail the S&P. But not these assholes this year. Once again you lose they win and worse yet, if we see redemption calls ramping up like I think they will, the entire market gets screwed and these assholes running these hedge funds make out like bandits.
It is amazing that hedge funds like Greenlight Capital, Pershing Square and Glenview are missing the easy calls and losing money for their clients. I continue and will continue to preach that if you are going to invest in the stock market no matter how big or small, do your damn homework. Don't ever assume some financial adviser is going to give two shits about your return once you hand over your hard earned money. Stand up for your hard earned money and learn how to invest in the stock market. I have preached for years that you if are going to enter this market you will need know your investments and watch your money like a hawk. There is absolutely no reason you need a financial adviser unless your are wealthy enough to plan tax break investing, etc... http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000442307&play=1
Fire your financial adviser this year and take control of your own money. Stick to what you know. Avoid all mutual funds (high ass fees) and pick stocks that you know have value and provide products and services that people want and use. Recently a young investor asked me what to invest in and I turned the question back to him and said what do you believe in? He could not answer this simple and easy question. What do you believe in? What companies do you find value in and use their products or services?
For me and the Bonehead Investor community I stand by my investments in companies that provide world class products and services. For me companies like Apple http://www.apple.com/ and NetFlix are amazing investments for now and the future! https://www.netflix.com/
Stand up and take back your financial freedom! Don't be a sucker for Wall Street! Be a Bonehead Investor!
2015 election predictions,
financial adviser,
Goldman Sachs,
how to invest,
Merrill Lynch,
stock market,
North America
Friday, February 21, 2014
Careful Out There! Sharks are in the water......
Constant data is coming out that 2014 is going to be another "resilient" year. Take this write up from USA Today - Can mighty Wall Street Bull keep charging in 2014? or this recent work from Forbes - Will the Bull Market extend in 2104?. As much as I would like to say and make money in a Bull market, I am more concerned that we will see a very rocky market built on Algorithmic Trading - Algorithmic Trading that kills the normal investor.
If you are a Bonehead Investor you know my motto - Day Trading is great for the day... But trying to time the market with computers doing the work now, you will get killed. This goes back to my picks for 2104. I am hell bent on VNQ and EDF to protect my money in this kind of a rocky market. (VNQ & EDV). I pick these two positions to protect in the event of a market pull back and more important a Federal Reserve surprise. If we look at the data on housing today and the true unemployment number you can quickly see why I have protected my money in these investments. Housing Market - February Housing. Unemployment - Unemployment.
Don't get caught up in the noise of the talking heads and your broker. Defend your money yourself with good education and an understanding of the market. Be a Bonehead investor and win!
If you are a Bonehead Investor you know my motto - Day Trading is great for the day... But trying to time the market with computers doing the work now, you will get killed. This goes back to my picks for 2104. I am hell bent on VNQ and EDF to protect my money in this kind of a rocky market. (VNQ & EDV). I pick these two positions to protect in the event of a market pull back and more important a Federal Reserve surprise. If we look at the data on housing today and the true unemployment number you can quickly see why I have protected my money in these investments. Housing Market - February Housing. Unemployment - Unemployment.
Don't get caught up in the noise of the talking heads and your broker. Defend your money yourself with good education and an understanding of the market. Be a Bonehead investor and win!
2014 investments,
defense stocks,
GDP. Fed Funds,
invest on your own,
stock crash,
stock market,
wells fargo
North America
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