OK tonight I am in Tampa and went into the Apple store in the Tampa International Mall. First let me tell you the service is unreal, as always.
Anyway I went in to talk about how a user can use his/her iPhone when their company uses Exchange (Microsoft) for the email client server. To my great surprise you can set up the iPhone to work with your Exchange webmail client. Worst case you can forward your Exchange mail to you Google or other personal email account.
While I was talking with the Apple expert a crowd began to gather to watch us set up the iPhone. Ya'll there had to be 15 people standing around to watch. I glanced over the rest of the store and it was packed (on a Monday night). Needless to say, my theory on Apple attracting users of all ages in the store is spot on....
Now here is the good part. I asked the expert about the battery and he really did not want to talk about how the battery was replaced. I was testing him and asking him if the battery can be switched out and he said he was not sure and needed to check. After he came back to me with an answer he said Apple had options on how to replace the battery. I asked for them and he said he was not to sure. I could tell he was uncomfortable with the answer he gave me.
My concern is that Apple may be setting themselves up for a loss of business professionals using the phone. Why? I can't go a minute without my phone. From what I understand according to the Apple Pro's is that you will have to send in the iPhone for a week to have the battery replaced. But you can get a loner iPhone for $29.99. Sorry, what??? Apple you want me to send in my $600 dollar phone to replace the battery (for a cost of course) and pay for a loner. It ain't gonna work Mr. Jobs. Oh by the way this is for each year you have the iPhone.
Apple needs to reevaluate this practice for their business clients real quick. This could be revenue dent to them if they can't cater to the business client. But be sure, every dang kid who can talk Mom and Dad into an iPhone will have one! Jobs please build in a model for the business users of the iPhone.
As for the drop today in the Apple (APPL) stock, not to worry. Look for more upgrades this week. Hell the Money Mangers have no other place to place all that cash they have on the sidelines!
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