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Friday, December 21, 2007

End of 2007. Thank God. Predictions for 2008

Well 2007 is all but over and thank God. Can you fricking believe the Subprime issue and the CDO's? Only in the capitalist economy can you be a CEO of CITI, ML, BS or any of the other rip off firms and burn your clients and employee's and still walk out with millions of dollars.

I have told you all over and over again these investment houses are the biggest ripoff's ever created. Hell their own analysts read my blogs all the time and steal thoughts that I have. Ain't that right the house of ML? Caught you two times.

Anyway I will be coming out with how well I did for 2007. Looks like I beat the top traders again. I am still waiting on a job offer from Bear and Goldie. Right now let's look at 2008.


Defense Stocks will be the way to go again. I will post my favorites in January.

Energy - This will be huge for 2008. We can expect to see India come on line and China burning up as much oil as possible. The USA still has no clue how bad off we are and continue to burn fuel like it will never run out. I hope the USA likes $4 dollar per gallon gas soon. Buy energy now.

Gold - Say goodbye to the highs of $800 and say hello to $900 to $1200 per ounce. Buy it now.

Consumer Spending - Well your house is now worth 20% less, you have a mortgage that is resetting, you got a 3% raise and your healthcare cost just went up. You credit cards are maxed to the hills, you can't claim bankruptcy and your bills are due. Consumer spending will be crap for 2008.

Inflation - Up. How much? Depends on what the Fed's do. The M1 rate is a fricking comic book so predicting this is a bear. My guess is that we jump from 4.31% (todays rate) to 6%. Get ready to move your cash to CD's.

Banking - This will be fun to watch. I am guessing that we will see a few major banks fold and have to be purchased by other big banks to bail them out. Of course the Fed's will be behind this move. First to go? Countrywide.

Fed Fund Rates? Cut again by 25 points in January. Will have to cut again right after that. We should see a 50 point cut by March.

GDP - Negative growth Q1 and Q2. Up last quarter of year.

2008 Election - Democrats win and win big. Hail to the woman......

Super Bowl Champs - Patriots of course!

Until January, stay warm!