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Friday, February 21, 2014

Careful Out There! Sharks are in the water......

Constant data is coming out that 2014 is going to be another "resilient" year. Take this write up from USA Today - Can mighty Wall Street Bull keep charging in 2014? or this recent work from Forbes - Will the Bull Market extend in 2104?. As much as I would like to say and  make money in a Bull market, I am more concerned that we will see a very rocky market built on Algorithmic Trading - Algorithmic Trading that kills the normal investor.

If you are a Bonehead Investor you know my motto - Day Trading is great for the day... But trying to time the market with computers doing the work now, you will get killed. This goes back to my picks for 2104. I am hell bent on VNQ and EDF to protect my money in this kind of a rocky market. (VNQ & EDV). I pick these two positions to protect in the event of a market pull back and more important a Federal Reserve surprise. If we look at the data on housing today and the true unemployment number you can quickly see why I have protected my money in these investments. Housing Market - February Housing. Unemployment - Unemployment.

Don't get caught up in the noise of the talking heads and  your broker. Defend your money yourself with good education and an understanding of the market. Be a Bonehead investor and win!

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